Greetings from the Mid-Atlantic US & the Motherland of Africa!

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)
Dear Raul, Lynda and FOMM Family,

Greetings from Raleigh, North Carolina!  Patrique and I are excited to be with the saints here as we prepare to celebrate the 5th church planting in the last 30 days for the Africanus World Sector on Sunday!  God has given us the strength to travel across two continents to oversee these incredible victories for the LORD.  The five church plantings within the last 30 days are:  August 18th – Maputo (Mozambique); August 25th – Morgantown (West Virginia, USA); September 8th – Columbia (South Carolina, USA); September 15th – Lome (Togo); and by faith on Sunday, Raleigh (North Carolina, USA)!  To God be the glory!  We also had the privilege to celebrate the “Sweet Sixteen” Anniversary of the great DC Church, as well as anniversary services in Johannesburg and Nairobi.

In addition to the forcefully advancing plantings over the past month, I was also reminded of the Apostle Paul’s admonition to the church in Romans 12:15, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”  Sadly, on August 31st, Patrique and I received tragic news that will be forever etched in our hearts – the passing of Abigail Akinfenwa, the beautiful 21-year-old daughter of Bolaji & Chinyere Akinfenwa, leaders of the Lagos Church.  Abigail was like a daughter to Patrique and I, and we were overjoyed to witness her baptism in Lagos back in 2018.  She was a great friend to our daughter Naomi and was also involved in her conversion last year as well.  Words cannot describe the emotional pain, yet we were proud of the faith and resilience of Bolaji & Chinyere, who have continued to work through their emotions with courage and vulnerability.  Please continue to pray for this valiant couple as God comforts their hearts. (Psalm 34:18)

In French-speaking Africa, our brother Blaise Feumba reported about the successful planting of Lome, Togo and 18 additions this week across 10 French Africa churches.  Please pray for these valiant saints as they continue to overcome many hardships to proclaim the gospel. 

Mid-Atlantic USA: Washington DC

For the first time in the history of the Men’s Ministry of the DC Church, a campus student, a single professional campus, and a married professional were baptized on the same day!  From left to right: Saul (a single professional); Eder (a campus student at University of Maryland); and Jordan (a married professional) were all baptized on September 1st!  They are honored to be triplets in the LORD!
On September 8th, a Howard University freshman, Ashad (center) was joyfully baptized into Christ in DC!  
It is remarkable what God has done in the DC Church since its planting in 2008 – planting the Denver, Delaware, and Morgantown Churches, as well as sending disciples to support churches in New York City and Santiago – and the best is yet to come!  To God be the glory!

Mid-Atlantic USA: Columbia, SC

On September 8th, Patrique and I celebrated the Inaugural Service of the Columbia ICC led by JP and Makayla Thrasher!  Remarkably, this young planting saw three campus baptisms BEFORE their Inaugural, and has since baptized three more souls!  
Marcus (fourth from left with towel), a campus student at the University of South Carolina (USC), was baptized on Friday, August 30th!
Jacob (third from right), is a USC student who was baptized on September 1st!
Dani (second from left), a USC student, was joyfully baptized on Thursday, September 5th!
Theo (third from left), a USC pre-med senior, was baptized on Tuesday, September 10th!
Dorian (fourth from right), a freshman at USC, was baptized on Wednesday, September 11th!
Abby (center), a USC freshman, was baptized on Wednesday, September 18th!

Mid-Atlantic USA: Raleigh, NC

in Raleigh, NC, a freshman campus student at NC State, Grace (center) was baptized on August 26th!
in Raleigh, NC, a freshman campus student at NC State, Kelsey (center) was baptized on August 28th!
On September 18th, three campus students were baptized into Christ in the Raleigh ICC – Andrew, Danielle and Colby!  To God be the glory!

Motherland of Africa: Lagos, Nigeria

Please pray for the Akinfenwa Family at the loss of their beautiful daughter Abigail.  She was beloved by the entire Lagos Church for her selfless service and care for others.  Her passing has enabled us to address the severe stigma of mental health that causes many in Nigeria to “suffer in silence.”  She will be missed deeply.
The entire Akinfenwa Family showed remarkable strength and resilience during this heartbreaking time.  Pray specifically for Toby and Timothy (in forefront with white shirts) as they were Abigail’s younger brothers.  
By the grace of God, the Lagos Church was encouraged at the close of Abigail’s Candelight Service by the baptisms of three single professionals – Emeka, Daniel and Tomiwa!  To God be the glory!
Bolaji & Chinyere Akinfenwa are heroes in the faith and an inspiration to Patrique and me.  It will always be an honor to have them by our side as we witness all of West Africa won for the LORD despite the life’s challenges.  They have been the epitome of remaining hopeful in the LORD while suffering grief.  (1 Peter 1:6-7).  We love you Bolaji & Chinyere – we are united to the End!

Motherland of Africa: Nairobi, Kenya

The Nairobi Church was inspired to celebrate its first anniversary service on September 15th!
The LORD blessed the faith of the Nairobi disciples as 81 souls were in attendance – 15 disciples, 11 children and 55 guests!  This does not include another 4 disciples in Rwanda, 1 in Ethiopia and 1 in Tanzania!  Please pray for East Africa to be won for the LORD. 
Jenipher (center) was baptized on August 25th, and was a “Kingdom Kid” who was known by Risper (left) and Joy (right).  Joy and Jenipher were both kingdom kids in our former fellowship!
Please pray for Jenipher’s parents, Tabitha and Dan, who were once part of the ICOC but need to be restored.  They shared after the Nairobi Service that “there is life here!”  Please pray for them to get united with God’s new movement.

Motherland of Africa: Johannesburg, South Africa

The Joburg ICC celebrated their 5th Anniversary on September 15th with their new leaders, Kwaku & Ashley Sarkodie!  Patrique and I are grateful to the Sarkodies for their love for God and his movement since taking over the church in July.  They have become a dear son and daughter in the faith who have given their hearts to see all of Southern Africa evangelized!
Musa (center), a 2nd year law student at Witwatersrand University, was baptized on September 1st!
Sanele (left), a 2nd year student at the University of Johannesburg, was baptized on September 8th!
Kyle (center), a student at the University of Witwatersrand, was baptized on September 15th!

Motherland of Africa: Lusaka, Zambia

The Lusaka brothers rejoiced at the baptisms of Shammah and Cannacious (center), students at the University of Zambia!  By the grace of God, Lusaka Evangelist Nick Winn also received a two-year work permit visa after being forced to return to South Africa for two months! (Ecclesiastes 8:6)
Late post:  The Lusaka sisters rejoiced at the baptism of Christie, a 1st year student at the University of Zambia studying physiology on August 4th!

Motherland of Africa: Maputo, Mozambique

After a glorious Inaugural Service on August 18th, the Maputo ICC celebrated three more souls being baptized on September 15th!

It has been an inspiration to witness the saints in the Africanus World Sector be strengthened by our LORD as we give our best to Him despite the life’s challenges.  THANK YOU for your continued financial support through missions as we witness the Motherland of Africa and the Mid-Atlantic US won for the LORD in THIS generation!

Much love,
Andrew & Patrique







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